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How to make any gift special?

 How to make any gift special? It's simple - pack it right 😉  Як зробити будь який подарунок оригінальним? Все просто - правильно його запакувати!🙂 Today I want to share with you a work which is a bit unusual for me - a decorated gift bag. As a basis for this gift bag, I took the @13arts paper from the beautiful collection "Rosalie" designed by Aida. The first step was to mark the lineament of the bag. Further, on this lineament, I made creasing that further allowed me to make the form of a bag. The next step was to punch holes through which I stretched the tape to make handles for my bag. Then, my favorite part - decorating ☺️ Although I must say, already in this form, the gift bag looks cute, because the paper "Rosalie" looks really nice. Therefore, if you have a lack of time or patience to decorate, in my opinion, such a gift bag can be given even without decoration.  However, that's definitely not my way 😁 For decorating this gift bag I used the usual...

Останні публікації

Card for Valentine’s Day

Mixed media cover

Світлий подарунок

CAS - день третій

CAS - день другий

CAS - день перший

2 Конфетки з новинок ScrapMir

З днем народження Фабрико 212!

Гра-обмін "Світлий подарунок"

Тренінг від Олени Моргун по міні альбомам!